08-30 22:33:53.270: E/Trace(1634): error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
08-30 22:33:57.190: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:33:57.190: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (1,-2147483648)
08-30 22:34:58.542: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:34:58.662: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:34:58.742: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (1,-2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.681: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (1,-2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to perform seekTo in wrong state: mPlayer=0x0, mCurrentState=1
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (-38, 0)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): start called in state 0
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): start called in state 0
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (-38,0)
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to perform seekTo in wrong state: mPlayer=0x0, mCurrentState=0
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): start called in state 0
08-30 22:33:57.190: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:33:57.190: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (1,-2147483648)
08-30 22:34:58.542: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:34:58.662: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:34:58.742: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (1,-2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.681: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (1, -2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (1,-2147483648)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to perform seekTo in wrong state: mPlayer=0x0, mCurrentState=1
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): error (-38, 0)
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): start called in state 0
08-30 22:35:08.691: E/MediaPlayer(1634): start called in state 0
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Error (-38,0)
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): Attempt to perform seekTo in wrong state: mPlayer=0x0, mCurrentState=0
08-30 22:35:08.762: E/MediaPlayer(1634): start called in state 0
E/MediaPlayer(★★): Attempt to call getDuration without a valid mediaplayer
E/installd(★★): cannot open /data/secure/data/: No such file or directory